Relationship seminars

Take Action Counselling, London, relationship seminars

Relationship Seminars

Take Action offer seminars and workshops on relationships:

These seminars and workshops are interactive and enjoyable as well as informative and are presented by trained counsellors experienced in training and presenting.

Aims for all seminars are to:

  • Gain knowledge and skills to help communicate more effectively
  • Acquire information on how past relationships can influence the present day
  • Understand more deeply your own style of relating
  • Find out more about what you want in relationships and how you can receive it
  • Set goals for healthier and more satisfying relationships

The seminars and workshops are available for social and care organizations, youth work and community groups as half day or evening sessions and the content and time can be tailored for specific requirements.

We have three main seminar topics:

  • Safe and Confident Dating for Single People
  • Strategies For Successful Living For People who are Single and Single Again
  • Building A Strong Relationship For Couples

Dating: Be Safe And Confident

Going on a first date:

First impressions on a date
Interacting with someone new
Tips for Safe Dating

Chemistry is not enough:

Looks are not everything!
The gift of attraction
Ingredients to make a good relationship.

Why we are drawn to certain people:

The same date with a different hairstyle?
Getting out of playing a role
People who hold their dates hostage

Listen to your friends:

Why to keep your friends around you
If your friends don’t like your partner
Not giving up your life for someone else

Building trust and facing issues:

Can he or she be trusted?
What you can live with and what you can’t
Confronting issues compassionately

Let’s get physical:

How far should we go on a first date
Keeping boundaries you’re happy with
Does good sex mean you’re close?

Too much too fast:

Embracing the test of time
Kissing false hope Goodbye
Is it Happy Ever After?

Singles and Single Again: Strategies For Successful Living

Your feelings are valid:

Don’t trivialise your feelings
Don’t let others dismiss you
How to respond to being set up by others

Take a break from weddings:

Feeling forced into painful situations
Don’t keep pushing yourself until you break
Keeping cool when everyone else is loosing theirs!

Make a love list:

Take a relationship inventory
See patterns in your relationships
Breaking with the past

Is time running out:

Is it too late to be a Mum or Dad?
Grieving the loss
What other options are there for you?

Love is not in a vacuum:

Look at all your relationships
Expanding your social circle
Being open to try new situations

Enjoy what’s going on now:

Take time to do what you want
Don’t be pushed into other’s agendas
Find friends and have fun together

Couples: Building A Strong Relationship

Grieving for your single life:

Marriage and living together is a big change!
Grieving for what we have lost
Embracing the feelings

Living together:

The fun bits – its exciting!
The Compromises
Having to let go of some ways and habits

Why have you changed:

He’s or she is not the same as when we dated
When the romance ends
Hitting the reality of the day to day

Dealing with conflict at close quarters:

When it becomes heated
How to keep it safe
How to implement a “Time Out”

Getting through the storms:

A more accurate image of your partner
Accepting your own struggles
A good marriage/partnership takes hard work

Don’t go it alone together:

The dangers of isolation
Keeping in touch with your friends
Getting Support – how to and when to

Please email with any questions and if you’d like to make an appointment.