Single and Dating Workshop

Shake it off – get more of what you want from dating!

Take Action Counselling – Single and Dating Workshop

A friendly workshop for people who are single and dating

Date: Saturday 16th November 2024
Time: 10.00 – 12.30 Venue: Online
Cost: £35 People Working / £20 people on low incomes – includes handouts
Up to 10 people attending

For more information and to book a place email us at

This workshop is open to all genders and is held in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere with time for sharing and discussion plus extensive handouts.

Workshop aims include:

Meeting others in a safe space

Healthy use of dating apps

Spotting red flags

Finding out our deal breakers

Building good boundaries

Understanding our anger and pain

Building a stronger sense of self

    This workshop is facilitated by a Professional Counsellor and BACP Ethics apply.

    Benefits of attending:

    • Break out of feeling lonely
    • Gain information to help move forward in dating
    • Feel supported by a professional counsellor
    • Put strategies in place for the future

    Take Action Counselling London for singles, for relationships… for life…