When you are first dating it’s very exciting! However, safety must come first when you are meeting someone face to face for the first few dates. This is especially important if you have met your date on line.
Here are some safe dating tips to enable you to relax on your date – but still keep control of the situation:
Meet in a public place:
For a first meeting, always meet in a public place where other people nearby – also consider meeting with a group of people or double date. Avoid secluded or quiet areas on your first date – just to make sure.
Let a friend know where you’re going:
Be sure someone knows where you are going and who you’ll be with – ask a friend to give you a call on your mobile during the evening to check things are going well. You could also arrange to meet a friend later that evening.
Consider going on a Pre Date Date:
This isn’t a date as such which takes the pressure out of it – this is more of a meet for a coffee which could be 20-30 minutes. A quick pre-date gives you both an idea of what the other person is like; and takes the stress out of the possibility of spending a whole evening with someone you may have little in common with. If it goes well you can then move onto a proper date.
Use your own Transport:
Don’t allow your date to pick you up from home on your first meeting – get there on your own and make sure you know the time of the last train or bus or you have enough petrol in the car. Don’t take any chances and rely on your date to get you back home.
Go Dutch:
Pay half the bill! Unfortunately some people want something in return if they pay for you. On the first few dates pay half so you don’t feel any obligation to your date in any way possible. When first dating it is important you retain your independence and power.
Don’t Get Drunk:
The biggest threat to a person’s judgment is alcohol – it also lessens your inhibitions and can leave you vulnerable. Stick to one drink on the first date or better still avoid it altogether. Always keep your glass in sight.
Give out your mobile number only:
Don’t give out your home number to a new date as you can easily find someone’s address by their home phone number. Also don’t call your date from your home phone number as they can trace you. Stick to mobiles until you settle into the relationship.
Trust Your Instincts:
If you haven’t met your date before and something does not feel right don’t hang around. This is especially true if you meet someone on line from a dating site and they look and present very differently to how they described themselves.
Don’t Let Down Your Guard:
Even if the evening is going really well – there’s lots of spark and chemistry – remain alert and make sure you always have your phone to hand.
Have fun with your date but safety is crucial to your enjoyment. Creating safety enables you to get to know your date with confidence – creating a better situation for yourself and him or her.
You may also find useful information on our Singles and dating page.