No More Week 2025

2-8th March is a week that is focused on ending Domestic and Sexual Violence and is called NO MORE WEEK.

Sadly Domestic Violence is very common for women and also for men. You may be concerned about a friend or colleague that you think may be experiencing violence but you are not sure how to approach the subject.

Here is a really good simple outline of questions you can ask based on the word SAFE

S = Stress and Safety

What stresses do you experience in your relationships? Do you feel safe in your relationship?

A = Afraid and Abused

People in relationships sometimes fight. What happens when you and your partner disagree?

Have there been situations in your relationship where you have felt afraid?

Have you been physically hurt or threatened by your partner?

Has your partner forced you to engage in sexual activities that you didn’t want?

F = Friends and Family

Are your friends and family aware of what is going on? It would be a good idea to tell at least one person who you are close to.

E = Emergency

Do you have a safe place to go in an emergency? It is important to find three people that you could call if you needed to go to their home quickly.

It is important for all of us to be aware that sadly someone we know could be a victim of abuse – if we ask questions we may be able to help them get the support they need and deserve.

(Source from Standford University School of Medicine)

#nomoreweek #Enddomesticviolence #Endsexualviolence