Summer Lovin? Getting Over A  Holiday Romance

Holiday romances can be one of the most exciting romantic experiences you can have – away from work, relationships – routines of life – no waiting for the bus or washing up! There is so much freedom to experience out of your natural habitat and also even feeling like a different person.

Knowing that there is an ending in sight also can add to the intensity of emotions.

So what happens then when the romance ends? Where do you go from there?

Here are some tips to help you get through those back at home blues perhaps grieving that person that you were so attached to:

Give Yourself Perspective: Be aware that even if it feels like you knew the person really well, a few weeks or even a whole summer isn’t enough time to truly get to know someone. The first few weeks of any relationship are often the most intense and the least realistic.  If you had more time together eventually you would both start to reveal more of your “real selves” – those habits that you find so endearing at first can after a few weeks months or years become pretty irritating.

Don’t Dismiss the Good Bits: What was it that person bought into your life that was so inspiring and fulfilling?  How can you use that information to bring into your everyday life now or to use when you are looking for a future partner? Can you change things up a little back at home or perhaps be more open to a different kind of person?

Look After Yourself:  Put in place lots of self care rituals for yourself as you go through the time of letting go of the romance.  Reach out to friends – let them know what’s going on for you and ask for a bit of support from them. This was a short relationship but it still has had impact on you.  Maybe the good news is that you allowed yourself to fall for this person so that means you can do it again – but perhaps with a more long term goal in mind.

Take it a day at a time and your feelings will start to resolve and you will feel stronger again – having gained perhaps more knowledge about yourself and what you would like in a partner.

(Source: Based on some ideas from How To Bounce Back After A Summer Fling By Laura Yates