What Are Healthy Relationships?    Recently updated !

Here Are Some Clues:

Love is a choice!  You can’t make someone love you or want to be your friend or partner. 

However there are some ideas you could consider when thinking about your relationships and friendships:

Healthy relationships are sacrificial

Even if a cost is involved. For instance if your best friend gets a career opportunity or a place at college that is in another city or area you will acknowledge the loss but let them go freely  – even though it means you may not see them as much as you would like. 

Healthy relationships are releasing

Wanting that person to be all they can be – not wanting to restrict them or hold them back.

Healthy relationships are multiple

One person cannot fulfil every need you have! They encourage other relationships and outside interests around the friendship – not clingy desperately to it as though it is the only thing that makes life bearable. 

Healthy relationships acknowledge difference

Healthy relationships are honest where people feel free to express their opinions – even if that means they do not always agree.  The relationship is strong enough to take the challenge of a difference of opinion.

Healthy relationships  encourage deep sharing of feelings

Both people recognize their need for support and in turn recognize the need to give support to the other person. They face life as a team, rather than as individuals just relying on themselves.